Tuesday 13 September 2011

Ringed Plovers

With the strong winds at the moment I have been spending some time on the coast, hoping for the opportunity to photograph some of the seabirds that get blown in at this time of year. Up to now the winds have been too south-westerly with little coming into photographic range, so I have been photographing the waders and gulls that are building up along the shoreline. There are a lot of Ringed Plover at the moment with many juveniles. One of the adults I photographed has a ring on it's leg that's from Norway.

ringed plover, wader, bird
ringed plover, wader, bird
ringed plover, wader, bird
ringed plover, wader, bird
ringed plover, wader, bird
ringed plover, wader, bird


TexWisGirl said...

these are really beautiful.

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning!

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